(Beginner) Differences in 想(xiǎng)/要(yào)/喜欢(xı̌ huan)/觉得(jué de) & Some Other Options

You can ACCESS the study material / transcript at 👉🔗 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/chillingchinese 🌟Try FREE Sample study material here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LYjO02naTBRjk0-tm-ohznHrIlns4-nlc8LtRx1nLkM/edit?usp=sharing In Today’s episode, we are tackling these similar but important words in Chinese. 想 xiang3 要 yao4 喜欢 xi3huan 觉得 jue2de Enjoy! We also welcome donations to keep our show running. Donate: https://www.paypal.me/issuejoe If you want to find your own pers...

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Are you struggling to find good listening material for learning Chinese? Are you tired of robotic and boring textbook audio? Chillchat is the answer for you! Our podcasts not only cover vocabulary and grammar, but we also talk about culture, trends, and other useful topics. With our fun and relaxing conversations, Chinese learning is a breeze! You can DOWNLOAD the transcript + study material at: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/chillingchinese