005 | All things Lockdown & Running an Arts & Entertainment Business

I met Jac through a show we both worked on just before lockdown and now we are podcasting together! Join Jac and I talking about our how we got to know each other over Instagram and how we have run and are navigating out Arts Businesses through lockdown. We talk about our passion for supporting Young People to give them a voice through the arts and what our near future's look like in the arts industry.

Om Podcasten

Hell yeah I started my own podcast! Introducing 'Chin Wags with Pheebs.' This is just a lil snippet of what I'm going to be talking about; all things theatre industry related, opportunities, achievement and motivation. I'm all about wanting to keep the positivity and excitement flowing, and I intend to share all my experiences as a young entrepreneur, public speaker and all the crazy things that go down in my theatre related life. I can't wait to share with you all what I've got in store.