How to use this one herb/ food for anxiety S7 E5

This one food is also a medicine. Lets learn about how its used in cooking and in herbal medicine. Support Chinese Medicine Podcast and your health in one of these ways in 2024! 1. Self Care with the five elements course: 2. Self Care + Consultations with Marie bundle: 3. Sponsor of the podcast Empirical Health Mushroom Range: use promo code MARIE to get a discount yourself and support the channel with each purchase! Google search for yourself "Bai He recipes" or 'cooking with bai he - here are some I've come up with : Hope this is useful and helpful and if it is let me know in comments and please subscribe to help grow this channel. That is appreciated. Hope this is useful and helpful and if it is let me know in comments and please subscribe to help grow this channel. That is appreciated. FOLLOW Chinese Medicine Podcast on social medial: Facebook: Instagram TikTok: AUDIO - find us on Apple, Spotify and Google Podcasts in audio-only format CONTACT THE PODCAST (MARIE) CONTACT Marie Hopkinson (Clinic/Consultations): MARIE HOPKINSON, Registered Chinese Herbalist and Acupuncturist in Australia (AHPRA) Consultations for treatment (individual) please head to :

Om Podcasten

Dedicated to helping people understand Chinese Medicine, The Chinese Medicine Podcast is run by Herbalist and Acupuncturist, Marie Hopkinson. Marie appreciates your reviews :) The Chinese Medicine Podcast (CMP) started out in 2013 just as a a way for Marie to share the self help aspects of Chinese medicine with her own patients via youtube, but soon found that people all over the world were watching and benefiting from Marie's Chinese medicine videos, and now we're on audio too!