Learn Chinese Medicine with Marie Hopkinson S4 Ep6

I'd love to help you learn Chinese Medicine so I decided to create a one year course to help people take a deep dive into the self help aspects and prevention medicine based aspects of Chinese Medicine. Check out this webpage for more info, dates and cost: https://www.metrohealth.com.au/learn-chinese-medicine-with-marie-hopkinson/ This episode is a dedicated audio podcast of me talking about the course, what you'll learn and why I decided to make it.  - Marie Hopkinson.  To make an inquiry, contact chinesemedicinepodcast@gmail.com 

Om Podcasten

Dedicated to helping people understand Chinese Medicine, The Chinese Medicine Podcast is run by Herbalist and Acupuncturist, Marie Hopkinson. Marie appreciates your reviews :) The Chinese Medicine Podcast (CMP) started out in 2013 just as a a way for Marie to share the self help aspects of Chinese medicine with her own patients via youtube, but soon found that people all over the world were watching and benefiting from Marie's Chinese medicine videos, and now we're on audio too!