Advanced | 赤壁怀古

《念奴娇 - 赤壁怀古》是豪放诗派最具代表性的作品之一,也是苏东坡最为人所熟知的一阙词。在《猛虎与蔷薇》里面我们学到的“大江东去”就是出自这阙词,所以不妨真的来学学这首可以说是中国人最喜欢的词吧! Episode link:

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ChinesePod makes learning Mandarin fun and easy. It isn't your typical language learning resource - we think you'll be entertained as well! In this Advanced Level Podcast Feed, lessons are the black-belt of ChinesePod - You can already speak circles around your friends, but are looking for “complete” fluency Chinese. Expand your Mandarin Chinese learning experience by also SUBSCRIBING to ChinesePod - Beginner and ChinesePod - Intermediate Podcast channels. For a more in depth Mandarin Language learning, go to and take us for a spin.