Upper-intermediate | 新年特辑:回首2019,展望2020

This is an interview between 2 upper intermediate hosts - Peony and Diana on their involvement with Chinesepod in 2019 and their plans for the new year holidays. There is no centerpiece for this lesson. 2019年已经临近尾声,每到年末,我们总是想要回顾即将过去的一年,做个“年终总结”。过去一年的轨迹真的非常丰富多彩:我们一起学习的课程涉及很多方面,有关于美食、生活习惯,还有新闻、古诗词等等。我们由衷感谢大家一年来的陪伴! 明年也一起学习中文吧! Episode link: https://www.chinesepod.com/4426

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