Episode 102 | Cade Thompson is in an Empty Room
On today's episode, we chat with two-time guest, Cade Thompson! Cade has had an affinity with music since his toddler days when even a preschool teacher noticed him frequently harmonizing early on, and eventually progressed through piano, guitar, and drum lessons. After joining the youth worship team in 6th grade, a music mentor came into his life who emphasized the importance of seeking God through the Bible outside of a worship setting. This understanding placed Cade on a deeper course of encountering the love of the Father and seeking His presence more intently. In these early teen years, Cade knew God was calling him into music ministry and giving him opportunities to grow in that calling. His latest album, Empty Room, is available now. This project has 12 powerful tracks including Cade’s current radio single “Good God,” which follows his massively successful “Arms of Jesus” which racked up over sixteen million streams to date! cadethompsonmusic.com @cadethompsonmusic christianmusicguys.com @christianmusicguys