Resound (Advent 2023): Simeon's Song - Suzy Silk

This week, Pastor Suzy Silk began our Advent series with a message from Luke 2:25-35, which recounts Simeon’s encounter with baby Jesus in the temple. Through his faithfulness to the Lord, despite so many years of waiting, Simeon was finally able to see not only his personal prayers answered, but also recognize the greater picture of God’s redemption of the world through Jesus.   We invite you to prayerfully consider practicing the way of generosity through financial giving to the Living the Liturgy offering at

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Welcome to the Church of the City Podcast. Church of the City New York is a church community passionate about making disciples who "practice the way of Jesus together for the renewal of the city." We believe in the authority and power of the scriptures to shape our communal life and practice, as we seek to teach God's word with clarity and conviction. Most of the teaching in our community is done by Pastor Jon Tyson and our teaching team. We have both morning and evening services and meet in the heart of Manhattan. For more information visit: