Favorite Video Game Soundtracks (with Rex Viper) - #13 Cinemassacre Podcast

Welcome to the thirteenth episode of the Cinemassacre Podcast!! In this episode most of the band (Rex Viper) is in the studio to chat about video game soundtracks and other musical stuff. Adam, the bassist, and Justin (backing vocals) were working at TooManyGames during this filming.Cinemassacre Podcast #13 - Favorite Video Game Soundtracks (with Rex Viper)

Om Podcasten

The crew of Cinemassacre (James, Kieran, and Justin) are out of the Nerd Room and into your ear-holes. They chat about their lives and the stuff they love: movies, games, and making videos. You’ll also hear about behind-the-scenes antics, anecdotes about being long-time YouTubers, and a ton of obscure pop-culture crap. It’s the off-the-cuff banter from Rental Reviews mixed with an AVGN panel, every Tuesday!