Episode 7: Start-Up, Sports and Stadiums with WaitTime

In this month’s episode Rosie and Collette meet Zack Klima, CEO and Founder of Wait Time - the industry leader in crowd intelligence, providing real-time data and historical analytics on crowd behaviour. They hear about the story behind how the business was founded, why WaitTime works so well with Cisco Meraki tech and discover some of the big names backing this clever tech business.   So what you waiting for? Give it a listen now!   For an insight into WaitTime and how the tech works check out this link https://www.linkedin.com/posts/zacharyklima_stadium-arena-gate-activity-6961334764230365185-QMUX

Om Podcasten

How does technology influence our lives, work and relationships? Join Cisco co-hosts Collette and Rosie as they embrace a balanced life in the tech world and interview inspiring guests. Disclaimer: We like things explained simple. We’ll take the tech acronyms out and put the fun in.