Episode 9: Neurodiversity with Richard Everard

In this month’s episode, in recognition of World Mental Health Day 2022, Rosie and Collette talk Neurodiversity with Richard Everard, VP EMEA Service Sales & Executive Sponsor of Cisco’s Connected Disability Action Network (CDAN) as he shares his experience of being diagnosed as neurodivergent later in life and what he has learned throughout that journey. We’ll hear how mental health and neurodiversity are connected and how teams in business can flourish when they truly embrace neurodiversity within the workplace.

Om Podcasten

How does technology influence our lives, work and relationships? Join Cisco co-hosts Collette and Rosie as they embrace a balanced life in the tech world and interview inspiring guests. Disclaimer: We like things explained simple. We’ll take the tech acronyms out and put the fun in.