Hey Old Man, Go Rotate Your Own Passwords

All links and images for this episode can be found on CISO Series If you're happy with your best practice of rotating passwords, that's great for you. Just don't lay your old-timey "rules for better security" on me boomer. This week’s episode is hosted by me, David Spark (@dspark), producer of CISO Series and Mike Johnson. Our guest is Robb Reck (@robbreck), CISO on sabbatical and co-founder Colorado=Security, a podcast and Slack community. Thanks to our podcast sponsor, VMware In this episode: Who is supposed to put “security” into the shifted left SDLC? What's the scarcest resource to a CISO? Is it headcount or money? What's the hardest part about being a CISO? How to choose the “best” best practices.  

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Discussions, tips, and debates from security practitioners and vendors on how to work better together to improve security for themselves and everyone else.