Why CISOs Avoid the Dreaded “Request a Demo” Button

All links and images for this episode can be found on CISO Series A CISO hears about your company's product from some other CISOs. Eager to find more information like a video demo they could watch on their own, they visit your site. They can't find anything except a prominently placed "Request a Demo" button. Fearing the marketing and salespeople who will hound them if they fill out the information, they just bail. This week’s episode is hosted by me, David Spark (@dspark), producer of CISO Series and Andy Ellis (@csoandy), operating partner, YL Ventures. Our guest is Jim Routh (@jmrouth1), former CISO for MassMutual and CVS/Aetna. Thanks to our podcast sponsor, Buchanan Technologies Short staffed and overworked IT groups can be overwhelmed by the massive scope of a comprehensive cybersecurity program. Buchanan Technologies makes the complex simple with our twenty-four by seven, customized, vetted strategies that identify risks, detect threats, implement security controls, and protect the confidentiality, availability, and integrity of your data. Discover more. In this episode: Why do vendors put the product demo videos behind gated walls? Tips for improving cybersecurity awareness within a large organization. The annoying pains of the vendor ecosystem. What are some really bad cybersecurity practices that need to be corrected right away?

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Discussions, tips, and debates from security practitioners and vendors on how to work better together to improve security for themselves and everyone else.