30: Joey Negro joins Colleen 'Cosmo' Murphy To Discuss His Influences

Joey Negro (https://www.facebook.com/joeynegro/?eid=ARBkSUoIA2g3mbmpar5xYqhppEU1S2H-xFPr-wdNP_TrQ9xi5tLDuJ_jroRwdiVY-2r6mB3JDx5JFHV1) joins Colleen 'Cosmo' Murphy (https://www.facebook.com/ColleenCosmoMurphy/?eid=ARCaSFQJ1OlsF2WqF0yImKrqdMDcubdq7G7MAF81Q30rw0ejS7rMPaIJKCZKS2rJWVYCTYQjHqloVZ7t&fref=tag) at Miranda at Ace Hotel London Shoreditch (https://www.facebook.com/mirandaldn/?eid=ARDrUdwgn-_hzqNcDt6MGArvLQ2ChkI5wmFcHwJX4uGFhTfnZ0t_yQBEIzeBxV-LVQXW87r2KrQcqnNh&fref=tag) to discuss the albums that have soundtracked his life from the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack to his own Remixed With Love series.

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