Episode 158A - Blade Runner 1982 - Part 1

"Blade Runner" opened in theaters in 1982. Director Ridley Scott creates a cityscape of Los Angeles in 2019. The film has many aspects of film noir blended into a future where synthetic humans or replicants are produced to work on planets, asteroids and other objects scattered throughout space. These replicants are prohibited from being on Earth. When four Nexus-6 replicants escape back to Earth, Rick Deckard played by Harrison Ford is persuaded to hunt them. Deckard is a former police officer and now a "Blade Runner" who is authorized to eliminate or "retire" the four fugitives. The four replicants are Roy Batty the leader played by Rutger Hauer, Pris - Daryl Hannah, Leon Kowalski - Brion James and Zhora Salome - Joanna Cassidy. Sean Young plays Rachael an employee of the Tyrell Corporation makers of replicants. Deckard and Rachael form a bond that is a key part of the film. As a part of our April 11 and 12, 2020 virtual film festival we watched the final cut of the film that is, in our opinion, the best of the seven versions of "Blade Runner". Enjoy this exciting film.  Part 2 will be released next week OR you can head over to our Patreon page and listen to Part 2 right now for free. Be sure to check out the Patron only episodes and benefits and consider supporting the show over on Patreon. Up next, a Patron only episode of “Once Upon A Time In The West” And then we review the legendary or infamous “Taxi Driver”

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A father and son watch old classic movies and then review them. Sometimes we even sound like we know what we're talking about.