Episode 162 - The Stranger
"The Stranger" 1946 is a film noir involving the United Nations War Crimes Commission search for the notorious Nazi Franz Kindler, also know as Professor Charles Rankin, as played be Orson Welles. Mr. Welles is also the Director of the movie. For the first time in a Hollywood commercial movie documentary footage of the Holocaust death camps is shown and the horrific scenes play a pivotal role in the film. Edward G. Robinson plays Mr. Wilson the War Crimes Commission Detective who successfully locates Franz Kindler in the fictitious town of Harper, Connecticut. Loretta Young as Mary Longstreet marries Franz Kindler alias Charles Rankin. As the film progresses she learns a great deal more about Kindler. Richard Long as Noah Longstreet is an important player in the unfolding drama. A favorite character is Mr. Potter the general store owner and town gossip played by Billy House. The film is full of Orson Welles creative touches that add to the mood and suspense of this excellent film. This was part of our virtual film festival and was supposed to be published as Episode 156. Well... better late than never!