Episode 84 - Bad Day At Black Rock

Bad Day At Black Rock is as relevant today as it was when it was released in 1955. Spencer Tracy stars as John McCreedy, on a mission to deliver a medal to the father of a man that saved his life in Italy in World War II. The people of Black Rock have secrets. They are not happy to see a stranger roll into town on the train, which hasn’t stopped in over 4 years, asking questions about a certain homesteading family. Directed by John Sturges, and starring a powerhouse all star cast, including Robert Ryan, Anne Francis, Dean Jagger, Walter Brennan and Ernest Borgnine, Bad Day At Black Rock delivers the goods and takes us back to the top of our rating scale. Enjoy!

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A father and son watch old classic movies and then review them. Sometimes we even sound like we know what we're talking about.