The Opening or Closing Shift in Your Kitchen

A relatable host talks you through cleaning your kitchen while she discusses the importance of your morning and evening routines. Another topic covered is setting alarms as a homemaker. She also goes over different methods of sweeping and mopping and shares her best advice for keeping a toddler out of the kitchen while you mop. Whether you're a "trad wife," work full time, or something in between, this episode will help you get your kitchen under control and keep it that way.Become a supporter of this podcast:

Om Podcasten

Cleaning motivation and entertainment as you trudge through those mundane household chores. Get productive as an understanding host talks you through cleaning each area of your home, keeping you focused and on task. Whether you need to tackle deep cleaning chores, speed-clean in preparation for guests, or just get caught up on dishes, we have episodes to guide you through virtually every situation. This unique cleaning podcast will revolutionize your cleaning routine! New episodes are released on Mondays and Wednesdays.Become a supporter of this podcast: