CTS 282: Network Assurance with Arista Networks (Sponsored)

Gone are the days of not knowing what is happening on your Wi-Fi network. Traditional WLAN systems would be able to tell you if a client is connected or not but it wasn’t enough to understand the end-user experience on your Wi-Fi network. Network Assurance is how you’re able to understand the client journey, from association, DHCP, DNS, application performance and more. Our sponsor, Arista Networks, has made this possible for network operators in a simple dashboard. In this episode, we’ll learn the architecture and decision making trees behind Arista’s Network Assurance. We have two special guests, Karan Gupta and Robert Ferruolo, to help educate us on how we can run better Wi-Fi networks today. Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash

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A weekly podcast about wireless network engineering. Wireless topics on education, wireless design, tips, interviews with other wireless engineers, tech news about wireless, and the products we configure. A podcast for any wireless professional or enthusiast.