What Happens When an Economist Walks Into a Brothel?

Allison Schrager set out to examine unusual subcultures, looking for clues that would deepen her understanding of risk and other economic realities. The result of her curious adventures is a book with the wonderfully provocative title, An Economist Walks Into a Brothel. In this episode, Allison offers her sage advice to Alan Alda on topics as varied as how to take risks and how hearing the word “no” can actually mean you’ve done well in a negotiation. Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/clearandvivid

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Learn to connect better with others in every area of your life. Immerse yourself in spirited conversations with people who know how hard it is, and yet how good it feels, to really connect with other people – whether it’s one person, an audience or a whole country. You'll know many of the people in these conversations – they are luminaries in our culture. Some you may not know. But what links them all is their powerful ability to relate and communicate. It's something we need now more than ever.