Aisha Khan on Pakistan's losses and damages

Pakistan's devastating flooding helped push loss and damage up the climate agenda. Devex sat down with Aisha Khan, head of the country's Civil Society Coalition for Climate Change to discuss why the disaster was so bad, the challenges it caused, and how future tragedies can be prevented.

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Politicians, scientists, and activists are heading to Dubai this year as one of the world’s largest oil producers plays host to a high-stakes climate change summit.With countries battered by storms and strained by heatwaves, floods and droughts, can COP28 help change the trajectory of the climate crisis and preserve the planet for future generations?Climate + is our new twice-weekly podcast, publishing in the lead up to, during, and after this year's UN climate conference.Join Devex senior reporter Michael Igoe and the Devex team as we speak with COP insiders and experts, campaigners, and contrarians to ask — can COP28 deliver?