Mark Suzman on Gates’ 'shift' on climate

Around 80% of the farmland in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia is managed by smallholder farmers who provide up to 80% of the food supply in these regions. Extreme weather events fueled by climate change, such as droughts and flooding, are making their livelihoods unsustainable in some parts of the world, driving mass migration and fueling poverty and malnutrition. In the third episode of the COPcast, Devex sat down with Mark Suzman, chief executive officer of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to discuss the foundation's recently announced $1.4 billion investment in helping smallholder farmers adapt to climate change announced this week at the United Nations Climate Change Conference, or COP27, in Sharm-el- Sheikh, Egypt. Suzman said the investment “marks a significant shift” for the foundation.This episode was recorded at the IDFC Pavilion at COP27. Visit for more info.

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Politicians, scientists, and activists are heading to Dubai this year as one of the world’s largest oil producers plays host to a high-stakes climate change summit.With countries battered by storms and strained by heatwaves, floods and droughts, can COP28 help change the trajectory of the climate crisis and preserve the planet for future generations?Climate + is our new twice-weekly podcast, publishing in the lead up to, during, and after this year's UN climate conference.Join Devex senior reporter Michael Igoe and the Devex team as we speak with COP insiders and experts, campaigners, and contrarians to ask — can COP28 deliver?