Mike Casey, Emily Chasan, Gil Jenkins, Nico Johnson, Tim Montague, Bill Nussey, and Joshua Porter | Cleantech podcasters quarterly roundtable

This week we’re presenting a special bonus episode where Gil Jenkins joined fellow podcasters for the most recent edition of the Cleantech Podcasters Quarterly Roundtable, hosted by Tigercomm & SunCast Media. We covered topics such as the impact of the U.S. Supreme Court decision on EPA power plant regulations, the implications for energy markets due to the ongoing war in Ukraine, the escalating attacks by pro-fossil fuel pundits, and a whole lot more. Please note that we recorded this conversation before Senator Manchin’s surprise and welcome support for climate provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. In the show notes, we’ve linked to all the terrific podcasters included in this roundtable. Please give them a follow when you have a chance. We hope you enjoy this rich, one-hour discussion on the top clean energy trends, developments, challenges, and opportunities ahead of us.

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Featuring candid conversations with the leaders, innovators, and changemakers driving our climate positive future. Hosted by Chad Reed, Gil Jenkins, and Hilary Langer.