CT0014: Youth Response to COVID19 and Climate Change

There are fewer young people that are as vast as Heeta Lakhani when it comes to making a case for the role of young people in advancing climate change globally. As the world is currently faced with #COVID19 – a seemingly more urgent crisis, on this episode of the Climate Talk Podcast, Heeta shares thoughts on the impacts of COVID19 on young people, the connection with Climate Change and what a post-COVID19 life would be like. As the Focal Person for YOUNGO, the UNFCCC’s Youth Constituency, Heeta as reveals how young people are stepping up to lead in the face of the crisis. Climate Talk Podcast brings environmentalists, thought leaders, policymakers, and professionals from all walks of life converse around the subject of Climate Change, Climate Action, Climate Finance and other environmental subjects. Thanks to Media for Community Change Initiative and the International Climate Change Development Initiative (Climate Wednesday) Production Team: ‘Seyifunmi Adebote(Host), Olumide Idowu & Jimoh Oluwatobi Segun. Contact: seyi@climatetalkpodcast.com | +2348130979064 |

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So much is heard about Climate Change, ironically, little is known about Climate Action. The Climate Talk Podcast is a youth-led and primarily youth-focused learning platform for people all over the world to take practical and guided steps towards addressing Climate Change. The Climate Talk Podcast is hosted by ‘Seyifunmi Adebote with the support of the International Climate Change Development Initiative and Media for Community Change Initiative.