Ep. 11|The Secret Sauce of Selling
In Episode 11 of Close the Deal Without Selling Hosted by Communications & Sales Educator, Ike Krieger Get Your Action Guide EPISODE COUPON CODE: universe11 Additional O.E.Q.s help you remain in a problem-solving mode. (pg. 185) Remember it's not about convincing... it's about uncovering and satisfying needs. Bridging is an effective response to someone requesting that you do both A and B. (Pg.171) An easier way to effectively set appointments. (Pg. 333) Meet people at their model of the universe. Remember... Air on. Window off. (Pg. 348) Use the secret sauce of mirroring and matching to overcome problems created by cross-channel communication. It's not so much what you say, but how you say it. (pg.367) EPISODE COUPON CODE: universe11 Good Selling