Episode 10 - Digital Sovereignty With Bitcoin & Self Hosting

- Why it is important to be vigilant about your digital logins and who has access to them. - Relationships that don't end well, business relationships and disgruntled friends or family membe - How to setup your own self hosting server and why - Don't be intimidated to run a server. It's easier than you may think.  - Rasberry Pi  - Power adapter - SD Card - 4 TB external portable HD  - SD Card USB dongle to flash Umbrel onto - https://getumbrel.com/ - Benefits of running a full bitcoin node - When you run a Bitcoin node, you bolster security and enhance your privacy. Also, running a node enables you to prove that nobody manipulates the network or changes the rules. - Creating transactions with your Bitcoin node can enhance security by eliminating or reducing the need to expose private keys.  - What's more, running a Bitcoin node enables you to complete and broadcast transactions from it, thereby avoiding services that can compromise personal information. A node eliminates the use of a block explorer in verifying a transaction status. A block explorer allows a third party to track transaction history while linking it to an IP address. Thus, it can leak physical location details, Bitcoin balance, and financial counterparties. Running a Bitcoin node can help you avoid such issues. Key Senators Have Voted For The Anti-Encryption EARN IT Act https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2022/02/key-senators-have-voted-anti-encryption-earn-it-act - Join The Self Hosting Blog Matrix Server -  Download the "Element App" - https://element.io/get-started#download Self Hosting Blog Matrix Server - https://matrix.to/#/#theselfhostingblog:matrix.org Way You Can Support The Podcast -  Direct Donations and tips on our support page https://www.closedntwrk.com/support/ Follow Me On Twitter - https://twitter.com/closedntwrk Download a Podcast 2.0 app. We recommend Breez or Fountain. You can load them up with Bitcoin / Sats and stream sats to the podcast. https://podcastindex.org/apps - NEWPODCASTAPPS.COM Leave a review for the podcast, you can do this by visiting https://www.closedntwrk.com/reviews/ Reviews are greatly appreciated and of course share the podcast with friends or family

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Privacy and security podcast focused on the everyday person and using simple tools and techniques to become a smaller target for online attacks. Learn to protect yourself using VPNs, DeGoogled phones, VPNs, TOR, end to end encrypted communications, and techniques to help become more private online. Visit the website for more information: https://closednetwork.io