Episode 24 - 'The Privacy Threesome' With The Hated One & Side Of Burritos

All Information Can Be Found At: https://closednetwork.io The Hated One - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjr2bPAyPV7t35MvcgT3W8 Side Of Burritos - youtube:  https://www.youtube.com/@sideofburritos mastodon: https://sideofburritos.social/@josh Join Us On Mastodon! - https://closednetwork.social Thank You Patreon Supporters! - Richard G. Topics: - General Banter - What current projects or research is piquing your interest right now? - Privacy influencers and their speculation responsibility in the community - Accepting sponsorship - Selling products directly - Affiliates and paid ad placements - Business models and financing of projects to the topic on influence and responsibility?  - Is session safe to use with it being an Australian based company? - Mobile devices - TOR vulnerabilities and attack vector - Q/A from listeners: - Question from "the_tinkerer" to all: What made you guys walk the journey of privacy and security? Is there an incident that happened in our life or something that we saw / realized, an event, that led us to walk on the path of privacy & Security? - Question from "tsugu" Question directed to THO, what is your opinion on the GNU Jami messenger, a very solid (also open source) cwtch alternative. It's peer to peer, supports every major feature of any mainstream messenger, and the account creation is anonymous as well. Article References:  Apple Scanning? https://appleinsider.com/articles/23/01/21/tests-confirm-macos-finder-isnt-scanning-for-csam-images Jeffrey Paul Article: https://sneak.berlin/20230115/macos-scans-your-local-files-now/ Eclectic Company Article: https://eclecticlight.co/2023/01/18/is-apple-checking-images-we-view-in-the-finder/

Om Podcasten

Privacy and security podcast focused on the everyday person and using simple tools and techniques to become a smaller target for online attacks. Learn to protect yourself using VPNs, DeGoogled phones, VPNs, TOR, end to end encrypted communications, and techniques to help become more private online. Visit the website for more information: https://closednetwork.io