(Almost) everything you need to know about SRE

Learn more:VMware TanzuVMware Pivotal LabsReliability Engineering for HumansA Quick Guide For Getting Up to Speed on SRESRE in 15 MinutesHow RBC adopted SRE culture to help it embrace cloud-native applicationsA Service-Level What?Getting good at messing up, negotiating SRE error budgets, and small talk topicsSLIs and Error Budgets: What These Terms Mean and How They Apply to Your Platform Monitoring StrategyFollow everyone on Twitter:VMware TanzuVMware Pivotal LabsHannah FoxwellDanielle BurrowDerrick Harris

Om Podcasten

A collection of podcasts from VMware Tanzu, covering IT modernization and digital transformation from every angle. Michael Coté and Rita Manachi host the eponymous Tanzu Talk. Danielle Burrow and Derrick Harris host Cloud & Culture. Guests range from engineers in the weeds of cloud native technology to customer executives pushing change within their organizations. Listen and learn!