Kubernetes: When You Need It and How to Scale It (from Sept. 14, 2020)

In this episode, which first aired in September 2020, VMware's Josh Rosso explains when organizations and teams should look at adopting Kubernetes (hint: it's much more accessible than even a couple years ago), as well as some of the tricks to doing it successfully. Rosso spends his days helping large organizations scale Kubernetes environments, so he knows from whence he speaks. Since this episode aired, VMware Tanzu has updated its product lineup and roadmap to improve the developer experience on Kubernetes, while continuing its investment in alternative cloud native platforms for situations where Kubernetes is not the ideal choice. Learn more: Announcing VMware Tanzu Application Platform: A Better Developer Experience on any Kubernetes Introducing Tanzu Application Platform at SpringOne [video] VMware Tanzu Application Service: The Best Destination for Mission-Critical Business Apps VMware Tanzu VMware Pivotal Labs The Podlets [podcast] TGIK [podcast] Follow everyone on Twitter: VMware Tanzu VMware Pivotal Labs Josh Rosso Danielle Burrow Derrick Harris

Om Podcasten

A collection of podcasts from VMware Tanzu, covering IT modernization and digital transformation from every angle. Michael Coté and Rita Manachi host the eponymous Tanzu Talk. Danielle Burrow and Derrick Harris host Cloud & Culture. Guests range from engineers in the weeds of cloud native technology to customer executives pushing change within their organizations. Listen and learn!