Making developer's lives easier and securing the software supply chain with The VMware Marketplace, with Ramya Sarangarajan

Developers rely on all sorts of 3rd party frameworks, packages, and projects for their applications. Ensuring that those components are available, secure, and fit into an organizations overall enterprise architecture can be a challenge. Ramya Sarangarajan joins us in this episode to cover how the VMware Marketplace helps out. Check out the VMware Marketplace yourself. Also, follow the marketplace in Twitter, if you're into that.

Om Podcasten

A collection of podcasts from VMware Tanzu, covering IT modernization and digital transformation from every angle. Michael Coté and Rita Manachi host the eponymous Tanzu Talk. Danielle Burrow and Derrick Harris host Cloud & Culture. Guests range from engineers in the weeds of cloud native technology to customer executives pushing change within their organizations. Listen and learn!