Outrunning the Bear - a tale of Digital Transformation in Government IT

Governments run on just as much software as the private sector, sometimes it can seem like even more! Government agencies feel the need to run their processes on software like any other organization and are starting to prioritize custom written software. Like everyone else, people in government feel the need to get better at software. In this episode, Jeremiah Sanders and Igor Steinberg talk with Coté about the motivations for getting better at software, common barriers, and a little bit of how people get over those barriers. Some selected topics discussed: Getting comfortable with “uncertainty” rather than certainty… accepting “failure,” the need to explore. People are stymied by the interpretation of the rules, not the rules themselves. Empowering people to be more cross functional. What compromises do the people on that small team make? Risks.

Om Podcasten

A collection of podcasts from VMware Tanzu, covering IT modernization and digital transformation from every angle. Michael Coté and Rita Manachi host the eponymous Tanzu Talk. Danielle Burrow and Derrick Harris host Cloud & Culture. Guests range from engineers in the weeds of cloud native technology to customer executives pushing change within their organizations. Listen and learn!