How To Set Boundaries To Increase Happiness, Improve Your Relationships & Manage Your Energy

In this weeks pod, we get into a powerful tool for your growth & development and that is, BOUNDARIES.  Boundaries - how to create powerful boundaries to help you up level, grow and truly set the standard for all your relationships in your life.   People will only treat you the way you LET THEM / ALLOW them to treat you. The quote I always keep in mind here is, someone can only love you as much as you love you.  We set the standards and that all forms from how we choose to let other people treat us and why this relationship with self is of utmost importance. It is essential to have personal boundaries to have healthy relationships. Personal boundaries are important because you set the guidelines of how you want to be treated. The problem with boundary violators, they don't know what boundaries are. It is your job to teach them about your boundaries JOURNAL PROMPTS FROM THIS EPISODE - FOR YOU TO REFLECT ON:  Where in my life do I have healthy boundaries? What area could I improve at setting clear boundaries? Potential Blindspots  How will I honor this commitment to myself?  How will this make me feel once I honor these commitments to myself?  What will it allow me to then open up, create space and energy for? i.e. release stress, pressure, fill my cup, etc.  EPISODE MENTIONS: Receive an exclusive discount at Herbal Face Food, Use the code, AYESHA20 and receive 20% any and all their products. Check out Herbal Face Food HERE.  CONNECT: Share the love on Social --> @coffeeandagoodvibe YOUTUBE ➟ Watch & subscribe to our channel here ➟ Coffee & A Good Vibe Video Interviews  To connect with Ayesha Sehra ➟ click HERE Check out our podcast insta ➟ click HERE To learn about my Branding & PR Agency Grow The Social ➟ click HERE 

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Join Ayesha for inspiring coffee conversations with the top leaders, entrepreneurs, & influencers of our time! She dives deep on their unique journeys to success and provides you with all the inspiration, tips, tools and strategies to go live out YOUR most abundant version of life! Sip on a coffee, come along for the ride and feel apart of the authentic and genuine conversations! x