Justin Saul ON: How To Make Your Own Rules, Create Your Dream Life & The Importance of Mental Health & Working On Yourself

Justin Saul (@justinsaul_) is the Founder and Creative Director of Elwood Clothing (@elwoodclothing) - a streetwear and vintage apparel lined rooted in Los Angeles, CA.  This episode hit on so many layers of life, entrepreneurship/business, relationships and most importantly, Mental health. In a world where so many feel alone, may be afraid to seek help, or honestly just feel the need to be their 100% unapologetic self - this episode will hit and inspire you to do just that. Join us this week on the pod, for an extremely genuine, authentic, real & meaningful conversation with Justin where we tap into it all.  EPISODE OVERVIEW: Justin's Journey / upbringing from childhood to now that sparked the path he is on today Making your own rules in life – Justin’s self-awareness of always wanting to pave his own path, make his own rules and live his life How Justin always knew he would live this life and create this reality for himself Confidence & Internal belief systems Mental Health - the importance of therapy, seeking help when you need it and doing the inner work How did Elwood begin - What was the thought process behind buying, re-creating and scaling this brand The intention / vision behind Elwood Clothing Advice for finding a co-founder What it takes to be a good leader, build a strong company culture and team Relationships - How opposites attract, Justins relationship with Alyssa Lynch Creative process behind brand aesthetics, creative direction and clothing drops Justin’s Legacy vision for the brand and your life & so much more! Connect with us on social || @coffeeandagoodvibe EPISODE MENTIONS: Check out Alyssa Lynch's most recent CAGV Episode here (From Our NYC Hamptons Event Panel)  CONNECT: YOUTUBE ➟ Watch & subscribe to our channel here ➟ Coffee & A Good Vibe Video Interviews  To connect with Ayesha Sehra ➟ click HERE Check out our podcast insta ➟ click HERE To learn about my Branding & PR Agency Grow The Social ➟ click HERE 

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Join Ayesha for inspiring coffee conversations with the top leaders, entrepreneurs, & influencers of our time! She dives deep on their unique journeys to success and provides you with all the inspiration, tips, tools and strategies to go live out YOUR most abundant version of life! Sip on a coffee, come along for the ride and feel apart of the authentic and genuine conversations! x