The Most Powerful Morning Routine Practice | Affirmation Track For A Positive Mind, Health, Wealth & Happiness | Listen On Repeat

AFFIRMATION & PRAYER - The tools to completely rewire your mindset, strengthen your belief system, strengthen your faith and become a magnet for what you desire in life! On this week's episode of the podcast, join Ayesha in this new solo series where she outlines specific new tools that you can add into your life to help you navigate through whatever this life throws your way. An episode you will want to listen to on repeat to help set the tone for your day and words you need to hear to remember that you are capable of anything you desire and you have everything you need WITHIN to be, do and have anything you desire for your life. In this episode we break down the powerful tools of the power of an affirmation and prayer practice. AFFIRMATIONS USED IN THIS EPISODE:  Opportunities are everywhere and presented to me at every take I turn Miracles are natural I am a positive influencer on the world When in conflict - I am open to spiritual solutions and creative ideas. I am on the right path. I am supported every step of the way The universe has my back I have the power to enhance my life through my positive thoughts and intentions Fear limits me. Love fuels me. I choose love and know that as long as my intentions are rooted in love and service, the universe will always deliver. My thoughts are powerful. My thoughts have the power to shape my day-to-day reality I experience. Today I choose loving, positive and empowering thoughts I am relaxed, non-resistant and clear. I start my day with positive thoughts and energy. My day unfolds with ease and grace The universe supports my desires today Everything is working out for me. WHat is meant for me will never pass me by I choose happiness today. I choose to be a magnet for positivity, love, good people, experience and opportunity today I am worthy of the life I desire Abundance / financial abundance comes easy to me. I attract abundance Share the love on Social --> @coffeeandagoodvibe CONNECT: YOUTUBE ➟ Watch & subscribe to our channel here ➟ Coffee & A Good Vibe Video Interviews  To connect with Ayesha Sehra ➟ click HERE Check out our podcast insta ➟ click HERE To learn about my Branding & PR Agency Grow The Social ➟ click HERE 

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Join Ayesha for inspiring coffee conversations with the top leaders, entrepreneurs, & influencers of our time! She dives deep on their unique journeys to success and provides you with all the inspiration, tips, tools and strategies to go live out YOUR most abundant version of life! Sip on a coffee, come along for the ride and feel apart of the authentic and genuine conversations! x