A Wave of Nostalgia

Today we’re going back—waaay back—and reliving the nostalgic moments, foods, songs, and smells of our younger years. Katie reminisces about the fresh scent of dewy grass on the soccer field and her Nona’s simmering spaghetti, while Ashlee shares about her childhood days doused in chlorine and the love language of her youth: mixed CDs, featuring Dashboard and Death Cab. Of course, we couldn’t chat about adolescence in the ‘90s without taking an intoxicating stroll through Bath & Body Works and remembering the anticipation of TGIF gracing our televisions. We hope this episode inspires you to crank up that old school jam and take a trip of your own down memory lane.  This show is brought to you ad-free by our generous Substack community. If you’d like to support the work we do for as little as $3/month, head to coffeeandcrumbs.substack.com to join the party (and get bonus episodes!). For show notes, go to coffeeandcrumbs.net/podcast. You just heard what influenced our childhoods and adolescent years, listen to this bonus episode to see what’s influencing us now. For more encouragement in your motherhood journey, check out the stories at Coffee + Crumbs.   

Om Podcasten

The Coffee + Crumbs Podcast is your companion for kitchen cleanups, stroller walks, or the daily carpool hustle. Join hosts Ashlee Gadd and Katie Blackburn as they chat about the beautiful, holy work of motherhood. We hope you leave this show feeling safe, known, encouraged and loved.