Taking Care of Our Skin with Dr. Cameron Chesnut

Today we’re talking with a board certified dermatologist, Dr. Cameron Chesnut, about how aging affects our skin. Dr. Chesnut gives us holistic insight on our most potent anti-aging defenses (exercise! sleep! nutrition!) and gives us the sought-after scoop on which products actually do make a difference (collagen! retinols! Vitamin C!). He also weighs in on the great sunscreen debate, gives the pros and cons of Botox, and takes our rapid-fire “worth it, or not?” quiz. Whether you’re planning to age naturally or maximize modern technology to erase your wrinkles, we hope this conversation brings clarity to some of the most common skin care questions. This show is brought to you ad-free by our generous Substack community. If you’d like to support the work we do for as little as $3/month, head to coffeeandcrumbs.substack.com to join the party (and get bonus episodes!). For show notes, go to coffeeandcrumbs.net/podcast. We wish more people knew all the good stuff Dr. Chesnut shared about taking care of our skin. Listen to this bonus episode to see what else we wish more people knew about. For more encouragement in your motherhood journey, check out the stories at Coffee + Crumbs. 

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The Coffee + Crumbs Podcast is your companion for kitchen cleanups, stroller walks, or the daily carpool hustle. Join hosts Ashlee Gadd and Katie Blackburn as they chat about the beautiful, holy work of motherhood. We hope you leave this show feeling safe, known, encouraged and loved.