Episode 107: The Upcoming U.S. Election By State

As we discussed in Episode 105, voters will decide who will become the next president in the upcoming US election by ballot. In addition, voters will also be voting on state-specific issues such as Congress representatives, judges, alcohol and tobacco taxes, voting-age requirements, among many others. One could argue that these state laws affect citizens’ everyday lives even more than federal laws and therefore, their importance cannot be overlooked. Tune in to today’s episode as we discuss some of the new ballot measures being presented in this year’s upcoming election and how they could possibly shape and change the future of certain states in the US. Read the full transcript and vocabulary guide here: https://www.dynamicenglish.cl/coffee-with-gringos-podcast-clases-particulares-de-ingles/episode-107-us-election-by-state

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El inglés no se aprende, el inglés se usa. En este podcast, te enseñaremos el inglés de una manera relajada y auténtica - mediante diálogos con profesores nativos con base en Santiago, Chile - para que mejores tu inglés conversacional.