Episode 132: Natural Disasters....from Earthquakes to Tornados

The rise of climate change in recent years has affected our planet in many ways, one of which is the increase in frequency and magnitude of natural disasters. Every year, these forces of nature cause chaos, destruction, and death more and more frequently than before. Whether it’s tornados in Missouri, blizzards in Boston, or wildfires in Chile, natural disasters are a common part of life and culture for the people who live with them. Join us for today’s episode as we discuss natural disasters, their effects on the world, and how they will continue to increase unless we do something about it. Read the full transcript here: https://www.dynamicenglish.cl/coffee-with-gringos-podcast-clases-particulares-de-ingles/episode-132-natural-disasters

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El inglés no se aprende, el inglés se usa. En este podcast, te enseñaremos el inglés de una manera relajada y auténtica - mediante diálogos con profesores nativos con base en Santiago, Chile - para que mejores tu inglés conversacional.