Episode 138: The Right to Be Forgotten

Since the beginning of journalism, news and media outlets have published damaging, embarrassing, and even racially biased stories to provide readers with interesting and attractive articles—whether they are true or not—and have left these stories uncorrected in their publications. These unfair stories have caused many to be kept from getting jobs, homes, etc., and are constantly haunted by a past publication. However, recently The Boston Globe has committed to giving people the opportunity to either request a correction or removal of an article about them that was either inaccurate or never should have been published at all. Will this initiative become a widespread standard in the journalism industry or will only a select few media outlets decide to take the moral high ground in correcting past stories? Join us this week’s episode as we discuss The Right to be Forgotten and its impact on journalism. Read the full transcript here: https://www.dynamicenglish.cl/coffee-with-gringos-podcast-clases-particulares-de-ingle/episode-138-the-right-to-be-forgotten

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El inglés no se aprende, el inglés se usa. En este podcast, te enseñaremos el inglés de una manera relajada y auténtica - mediante diálogos con profesores nativos con base en Santiago, Chile - para que mejores tu inglés conversacional.