Episode 141: Genealogy - Where Your Family Comes From

Have you ever wondered what your ancestors were like? Did they immigrate from a foreign country to where you live now? What was life like for them in the past? These are common questions that get mentioned when talking about genealogy—your family’s history. With advanced genealogy and DNA testing more readily available than ever, it is now easy and affordable to find out more about one’s family history, genetic makeup, and even one’s own identity. Join us for today’s episode as we discuss all about genealogy from exploring our own family trees to the positive and negative results that could come from finding out about your family’s past. Read the full transcript here: https://www.dynamicenglish.cl/coffee-with-gringos-podcast-clases-particulares-de-ingle/episode-141-genealogy

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El inglés no se aprende, el inglés se usa. En este podcast, te enseñaremos el inglés de una manera relajada y auténtica - mediante diálogos con profesores nativos con base en Santiago, Chile - para que mejores tu inglés conversacional.