Episode 93: The Importance of sleep

Sleep—it’s something that all of us have to do in order to be able to function properly as humans. Sleep expert, Dr. Matthew Walker, points out that the majority of people do not get the daily recommended amount of sleep leading to bad moods, low energy, weak immune systems, and even serious diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson’s. In today’s podcast, we break down sleep and why it’s so incredibly important for our health. Lee la transcripción aquí: https://www.dynamicenglish.cl/coffee-with-gringos-podcast-clases-particulares-de-ingles/episode-93-sleep

Om Podcasten

El inglés no se aprende, el inglés se usa. En este podcast, te enseñaremos el inglés de una manera relajada y auténtica - mediante diálogos con profesores nativos con base en Santiago, Chile - para que mejores tu inglés conversacional.