Go From Surviving to Thriving with Dr. Izabella Wentz

After being diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis in 2009, Dr.Izabella Wentz dedicated her career to addressing the root causes of thyroid dysfunction. If you suffer from symptoms like anxiety, fatigue and brain fog, the protocols Dr. Wentz shares in this episode can help you feel better in a matter of weeks.This episode originally aired on April 20, 2023.This podcast is supported by:Bon Charge Get 15% off when you order at boncharge.com and use promo code COMMUNEPouriGo to Puori.com/COMMUNE use promo code COMMUNE to save 20% on a one-time purchaseStemregenGet 20% off your first order at stemregen.co/commune with the code COMMUNEPODApollo NeuroGet 20% off your purchase of the Apollo wearable at ApolloNeuro.com/communeLMNTGet a free sample pack with any purchase at DrinkLMNT.com/COMMUNE

Om Podcasten

The Commune Podcast is where we explore the ideas and practices that help us live healthy, connected, purpose-filled lives. Each week host Jeff Krasno speaks with teachers, spiritual leaders, doctors, and storytellers on topics related to personal and societal well-being — from nutrition and integrative medicine to spirituality and personal growth to environmental regeneration and civic engagement. In addition to being a podcast, Commune is also an online course platform with more than 100 full-length video courses with top teachers such as Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Dr. Mark Hyman, Adriene Mishler, and many others.Learn more at onecommune.com.