Unlock Good Energy: “Unrelated” Diseases, Common Cause with Casey Means

This is the second in a four-part Good Energy series with Dr. Casey Means. Here Casey highlights how seemingly unrelated diseases share common metabolic disturbances. This is a fundamental problem with our medical system: We classify diseases based on symptoms rather the underlying issues.This episode originally aired on May 14, 2024.Watch Casey’s Commune course, Optimize Your Metabolism, with a 14-day trial of Commune Membership. Sign up for free at onecommune.com/trial. This podcast is supported by:LivOn Labs Get free samples with any purchase at livonlabs.com/commune PouriGo to Puori.com/COMMUNE use promo code COMMUNE to save 20% on a one-time purchaseStemregen:Get 20% off your first order at stemregen.co/commune with the code COMMUNEPOD

Om Podcasten

The Commune Podcast is where we explore the ideas and practices that help us live healthy, connected, purpose-filled lives. Each week host Jeff Krasno speaks with teachers, spiritual leaders, doctors, and storytellers on topics related to personal and societal well-being — from nutrition and integrative medicine to spirituality and personal growth to environmental regeneration and civic engagement. In addition to being a podcast, Commune is also an online course platform with more than 100 full-length video courses with top teachers such as Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Dr. Mark Hyman, Adriene Mishler, and many others.Learn more at onecommune.com.