Quest 14: Patchwork Scriabin with UniqueSound

In honor of the 100th anniversary of Alexander Scriabin’s death, Composer Quest and UniqueSound are teaming up to bring you a collaborative music production quest. We’ll be creating an “audio quilt” based on Scriabin’s Prelude in A minor, Op. 11 No. 2. Your goal is to record one measure from the score using whatever instruments or synthesizers you want (sign-up form below). I’ll unveil our stitched-together masterpiece on the Composer Quest podcast on April 27th.

Om Podcasten

Join the quest! Learn how composers and songwriters create music in this podcast hosted by Minneapolis composer Charlie McCarron. Whether you’re a music composition grad or simply an occasional noodler on a guitar, each guest has a new perspective for you on the creative process of composing and songwriting, along with some concrete ideas to apply to your own music.