Play-by-Play | October 20, 2023
Welcome to the Play-by-Play. The Play-by-Play is a new resource from the News Coach. Every other week, we’re taking three recent stories from our God’s WORLD News publications and breaking them down to help you spark conversation in the home or the classroom. Read along online. ( Today's Stories: Discover: The walls have a story. Read it at God’s Big WORLD. Explore: Oldest Skydiver. Read it at WORLDkids. Discern: Misinformation in Media. Read it at WORLDteen. Today's Conversation Kickoff: What do you want achieve before you’re 104 years old?How much better to get wisdom than gold! To get understanding is to be chosen rather than silver. — Proverbs 16:16 Together, let’s get the conversation started. As always, remember: He has equipped you for the work.The Play-by-Play is produced by God’s WORLD News. We provide current events materials for kids and teens that show how God is working in the world. To learn more about God’s WORLD News and browse sample magazines, visit (