
Bros was a bit of a box office disappointment, but it's a fabulously funny, honest and sexy gay romcom. Fire Island may have gotten there first by also showcasing an entirely LGBTQ cast, but when it's about romcoms this good, everybody's a winner. We're finally hearing different voices in Hollywood (not enough), and seeing a diversity of people (not enough, but going in the right direction) experiencing on-screen romance and love, and it's about damn time.https://www.confessionsofaclosetromantic.comFire Island is another funny, sexy and pioneering gay romcom. I covered it last year. At last! A really fantastic trailer that captures the vibe of the movie! Billy Eichner talking about how he came to write this movie.The anatomy of that hilarious picnic in the park scene.How Sleepless in Seattle influenced the Bros movie score.Support the showIf you enjoyed this episode, please click share in your podcast app and tell your friends! Thanks for listening!

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Welcome to Confessions of a Closet Romantic, a sweet and sexy show highlighting the smartest, most engaging romantic stories on the big and small screen — sometimes books— that share a common takeaway.I'm a writer, former film student and book reviewer who has loved romance forever — those hopeful, heartwarming and dramatic stories about sex, romance, connection and love. I've always felt shamed for loving this genre, but not anymore! Every two weeks, I'll be your ridiculously enthusiastic, gushing, affectionate companion as we explore a diverse range of sexy, compelling love stories. Romance lovers, never feel shame, and never watch alone! Join me!