027: Should Your Cell Phone Be Private from Your Partner?

It’s a BIG conversation among couples these days… but we didn’t even think about it until this week.  The topic is cell phone privacy.

Sara came across this tweet, which asked “Do you let your partner have full access to your phone and/or computer?  Why/why not?”


The tweet has over 80 responses, with vastly different viewpoints.

So on this episode of the podcast, we’re talking about our thoughts on device privacy within a committed relationship.  We share some of the commenters’ opinions, as well as our own.

There’s no right or wrong answer here, so we’re super curious… how do you handle cell phone privacy in your relationship?  Comment or send us a message @budandsara on Instagram.

#ConfidentCouples challenge:

Have an open conversation about cell phone and device transparency (maybe at Life Planning Dinner)

Mentioned in this episode:

The original Tweet

Let's connect!  Follow us at @budandsara on Instagram and send us a message with any questions about this episode.

Om Podcasten

Marriage doesn't have to be hard—if you make it intentional. We're Bud and Sara Dunn, a couple of 30-somethings who have spent 16 years together crafting a relationship that's uplifting, positive, and always growing. Every week on our marriage and relationship podcast, we share our real-world advice that you can use to be more confident as a couple.