Libya, with Inua Ellams

Who was Muammar Gaddafi? What happened in the Arab Spring? What were the reasons behind Britain, France and America intervening in Libya in 2011? And why is there still fighting going on today? In this episode we’ll explain the story behind one of the most consequential (and confusing) conflicts of recent times. In this episode, we were joined by the renowned poet and playwright Inua Ellams, who has written plays including Barber Shop Chronicles and An Evening With An Immigrant. ----------------- CREDITS:  Muammar Gaddafi - Zenga Zenga Song - Noy Alooshe Remix (YouTube video clip by Noy Alooshe) Clinton recalls night of Benghazi attack, © Associated Press British Foreign Secretary meets head of Libyan National Army, © Associated Press    

Om Podcasten

Celebrities ask the simple questions about the world’s most complex conflicts, from the First World War to the present day. Who was fighting in Vietnam? What was the Malayan Emergency? Why is Korea divided between North and South? Guided by an IWM curator, each celebrity is taken on a journey through IWM - discovering the objects, people and stories that shape our understanding of the modern world.