Episode 14 - Twitter!

It's the 14th episode, and we're still coming to you from rainy Toronto! In today's discussion, Chris talks about Fyre Festival because of course. Also discussed: Jean Claude Van Damm and his new Twitter account, people who leave voicemails, TED talks, technology and exponential growth, robots, infomercials, and a whole bunch of questions from Twitter.

Tweet your questions and spread the love using the hashtag #congratulationspod on Twitter and everywhere else. Today's episode was brought to you by Square Cash.

Om Podcasten

Chris D'Elia (comedian: Grow or Die (available on chrisdelia.com), No Pain, Comedians of the World, Man on Fire, Incorrigible on Netflix, White Male Black Comic on Comedy Central) sits down every week to talk about what's on his mind.