The topics, stocks and shares mentioned/discussed include: TESLA & the Big Short DOGECOIN / $DOGE BITCOIN / BTC Future / FUTR Digital 9 Infrastructure / DGI9 Cordiant Digital Infrastructure Ltd / CORD Vodafone / VOD BT Group / BT Air Partner / AIR Insig AI / INSG Dialight DIA Safestyle SFE Dow Jones Index / $DJIA S&P 500 Nasdaq FTSE 100 FTSE All-share Nikkei 225 Healthy diet & mindset Volatility Being mindful Interest rates Inflation concerns Inflation / input costs Corporate taxes Seasonal market volatility What next for PCF Group Technical Analysis / Candlesticks Book: Candlesticks for Dummies China & Iron Ore $175 Billion US EV plan Psychology Group Think High Expectations Accounting Importance of Research Confirmation Bias Is Investing Easy? The Twin Petes Challenge / Charity fundraise for the Menphys Charity Kitwave Group IPO Investing Trading & More WE HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS PODCAST. IF YOU DID PLEASE SHARE IT ACROSS SOCIAL MEDIA & WITH FRIENDS/ASSOCIATES YOU KNOW THAT HAVE AN INTEREST IN INVESTING OR TRADING STOCKS / SHARES. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE TO THIS PODCAST.